Keep Your Outboard Looking and Running Great With These Tips

Oct. 28 2021 Maintenance By The Sports Center

Over time, outboard motors can begin to build up corrosion and debris from old worn-out parts. Nothing lasts forever, and it's also more challenging to service an unkempt outboard boat motor. So come by The Sports Center in Perry, Georgia, when you're looking to replace your outboard motor or other water sport accessories. We welcome customers from Macon and Columbus, Georgia, too!

The Cowling and Surrounding Areas

The cowling's purpose is to protect the engine and boaters and block out the sound of the motor. Cleaning it is pretty easy, with automotive soap and water. Check and clean out any dust, leaves, or other debris from the housing, as these can severely hurt the engine if they make their way in through the intake air silencer. 

Cleaning is critical if you boat in saltwater. Salt deposits can cause problems if your outboard is made out of aluminum or other metal. If your cowl is faded, a little elbow grease and polish can help restore the colors. 

Check the rubber seal of the cowl and the cowl latches. It's rather challenging to find a new hood seal, so you should try to keep the current one clean and protected from mildew and excess grease with products like Armor All or 3M 303. The latches need to be lubricated with quality marine waterproof synthetic grease. If your cowl doesn't fit properly, you should adjust the latches to fit better while maintaining them. 

After cleaning, protect the cowl with automotive wax and a well-fitting outboard motor cover. The cover should be well ventilated and secured with a shock cord or other high-quality tying material. You can find outboard covers at The Sports Center or many online retailers. Search for "outboard motor cover" to find retailers selling them.

The Bottom

The bottom of the unit, also known as the gear case, it's often the part that takes the most abuse since it's always submerged in the water. The skeg and propeller are also located at the bottom. If your skeg is bent, chipped, or broken, you should have it replaced or welded by a professional. Although, if your boat is high-performance and often exceeds 60 mph or more, you should replace the skeg completely. This is because at higher speeds, a broken or haphazardly repaired part failure could be dangerous.

Remember to keep your outboard motor clean and protected to avoid future problems and costly service bills. Contact us at The Sports Center in Perry, Georgia, to learn more about properly caring for your boat and outboard motor. Feel free to contact us if you're located in Macon or Columbus, Georgia, too!