It's exciting when your child expresses an interest in fishing! This could be the start of many future excursions together and memories to last a lifetime. But you don’t want to hit the road just yet. A little preparation can set your fishing trip up for success. We've gathered up our favorite tips for making fishing with kids easy, hassle-free, and a great time for everyone. If you have questions or need to get your fishing boat serviced before your trip, visit the experts at The Sports Center. Our dealership is based in Perry, Georgia. We also proudly serve those in Macon and Columbus, Georgia.

Before the Fishing Trip

Prepare Your Child

Your child’s enjoyment of the fishing trip is influenced by whether the experience matches their expectations. If they expect to catch a fish every few minutes, for example, they could end up disappointed and bored. Make sure your child is prepped for what the fishing trip will be like. You can even show them fishing videos and explain the basics in advance to help them better understand what a fishing trip is like.

Pack the Supplies

There are a few essentials you will want on your fishing trip. Make sure to bring:

  • life jackets for both of you
  • plenty of kid-friendly snacks (you can even get your child involved in packing by letting them pick the snacks)
  • plenty of water so you both can stay hydrated
  • a first aid kit so you can address minor health issues
  • hats or sunglasses to help shield you both from the sun

During the Fishing Trip

Keep the Fishing Trip Short

The first few fishing trips should be only two to four hours. It's enough time to build memories, but not so long that it overwhelms or bores your child. You want your child to leave excited for the next fishing trip, not relieved to finally be hitting the road.

Aim for Easy Fish

Now is not the time to try to catch 'the big one'. Focus on fish species that are plentiful and easy for your child to catch. Try to set up shop in an area packed with fish that are actively eating - it'll help increase your child's chances of catching something.

Encourage Exploration

Younger children may need breaks from casting and waiting. Encourage your child to explore the area (while staying in your line of sight of course). They can look for animals, seek out unique shaped rocks, race leaf boats, or whatever outdoor activity they enjoy.

Teach Proper Fish Treatment

If your kid is under 12 years old, you'll likely be releasing the fish for them. Talk through what you are doing so they understand the process. It's helpful to showcase the importance of being gentle with the fish, which will help teach your child how to properly handle fish.

Older children may be able to release the fish on their own. But you might want to keep your hands outside their hands for their first few times of releasing the fish. It's easy for kids to get startled by sudden jerks of the fish, which can lead to them accidentally throwing or dropping the fish. Keep your hands ready to intervene and make sure the fish is well taken care of!

We hope you found this fishing with kids guide useful! If you want more advice or need to get your fishing boat serviced before your trip, head over to The Sports Center. Our expert staff is happy to assist you with whatever you need, so stop by and visit our dealership today. You'll find us in Perry, Georgia, and we also serve those in Macon and Columbus.